
Home / Ducks
January 17, 2019January 25, 2019

$ 600

Campaign Target


$ 600 to go

About the Ducks

A few of the ducks have a very sad story to tell. When the fair left town, whomever ran the ‘duck race’ stand left the ducks behind when they left.

They were found all alone, without food and water, at an empty fairground. We took them in and have even gotten them a few more friends to pal around with! Ducks require special feed and care. Please consider a monthly donation in behalf of our ducks so they can live a happy life on the farm!

Want to Sponsor a Duck?

You can’t take the ducks home, but you can donate monthly to her care by participating in our Adopt an Animal program. Or, contribute to their care just this once. Any little bit helps!

If you would like to sponsor the ducks by participating in our Adopt an Animal program, simply sign up to make reoccurring donations to the ducks. Once you reach $150 in donations, you will receive a complimentary family package to come visit us on the farm! The recommended monthly amount to help us feed and care for our ducks is $10.